How our APP works

Its Simple...Check out the links below or visit the QR code (for QR code reading phones). Once you have installed our app its probably one of the easiest ways to order...As our App lets you contact directly you dont need to visit any food website thus eliminating any security issues, you recieve an e-mail/message confirming your order and when it will be delivered giving you full control. Many new offers available on your order and will be updated to your app as soon as they are available.  An order history so you can simply click your last order saving you time. Postcode locater making us find you fast. All in all a great app when your hungry.


Simply check out the links below to be part of this great technology.

I Tunes

Simply click on the button below or the i tunes icon to install our App.

Google Play

Simply click on the button below or the Google Play icon to install our App.

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Why not have fun with on the link below to reveal the QR code, show your friend so they can scan it

(QR code reader required)